Mittwoch, 29. Mai 2013

Week in Colorado

As soon as I could I went to Colorado for Beth's funeral and everything else. I went May 6-12. I woke up super early to catch the bus to the train to the of course. The flight was long so I watched some movies and then arrived in Colorado when I realized how depressing this trip was going to be. It was nice to see my dad and Mary though. We drove back to dad's house and saw Grandma. Walking into the house was really weird and overwhelming and I started to cry. We talked a little bit about Beth and our childhood which was nice but made me sad. We just relaxed and talked and I saw Julie too.

We went out for some Mexican food and went to the liqour store and Uncle Steve and Grayson came the next day. It was really weird to see Grayson because it had been years.Mary and I talked with uncle Steve and told him our concerns about how Beth felt and all of that stuff, and we all drank a lot of wine. Talking about that stuff made me sad so I started crying.  Uncle Steve came over and helped me feel better and then we helped Julie with her homework to distract us and then I walked over to my dad because he was crying looking at pictures that Beth had taken of herself on her computer before she died.

I think the next day Uncle Steve and Grayson came over again and his nephew came over too. The wife was really nice and I had met them before when I was really little.We talked a lot with them and then we ordered pizza for dinner for everyone. We put together the photos for the service also.

Thursday we picked up Celina from the airport (listened to yodeling!) and got stranded at the airport because she got picked up before we could pee...We drove back to the house and stopped at the grocery and then the liquor store that day again because we went through so much wine! I was going to go to Italy on Thursday but ended up not going which I was happy about, but not happy about losing the money. We put together the music for the service which was bittersweet because the music reminded me of her but also made us sad. Uncle jeff and aunt terri were there too which was so nice. It was really nice to see them. Celina and I also made Grandma's chocolate pie.

Friday was the day of the service which no one was looking forward to. That morning I felt really sad and angry and cried in the car and when we got to the service place because everything became real. It was really depressing. A lot of the neighbors came which was nice to support dad and stuff. Julie's classmates made her a little gift and card which was really sweet. The service was really nice and sad. The pastor read a few things about our letters and read a card given to Grandma. Uncle Steve and Celina got up and said something which was really nice. Grandma took home the ashes and Julie was the comic relief the whole time. After that we had the reception at dad's house with a ton of food and wine. We all drank a lot again and talked. Grayson drank too much and got sick. We talked to the neighbors and then cleaned up everything. That day we also went into the room and talked about our anger issues and what we thought of everything and then Julie came in to be with us and we were all together as sisters. It was really nice. She was so cute because she wanted to prank call people. She called dad and then made a fart sound into the phone and then hung up. It was so cute. I think we tried to prank Andy too. I think it was that night that we watch the Punisher with dad which was sick. haha. but I got really into it.

The next day we went to the coffee shop that was Beth's favorite and ordered the drink that she normally gets. It was really good and a nice way to say bye to the place now that Beth is gone. Everyone was there which was nice. After that we had to go through Beth's stuff which was weird. Dad got really sad because it was like everything was final. My stomach was bothering me that day too so Celina took my coffee away from me. After that we all just relaxed and talked and dad and uncle Jeff told stories about their trouble-making days. After that they left and i think I went to bed because I was really tired and had to wake up ealy for my flight back to Marburg.

Sunday I left really early in the morning which was weird because it was Mother's Day.
It was a really long journey and I was really happy to be back in Marburg. The flight was really crowded which sucked and I had the layover. I was able to watch a lot of movies though. I stopped in Atlanta this time and Detroit before. It sucked though because I didn't even get to my dorm until like 1 so I missed class and slept and then had to leave the next day for Paris!

-learned that I like a lot of types of wine!

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